The USDSA awarded the Village of Ridgeway Police Department with Traffic Safety Vest, Tactical Flashlights, and a Preliminary Breath Tester (PBT) for combating drunk driving. Pictured with some of the donated items are Officer in Charge Sarah Havens and Officer Kaivon Souri.
The USDSA awarded the Oblong Police Department with Emergency Medical Belt Trauma Kits, Traffic Safety Vests, and Tactical Flashlights. Pictured is Chief Chad Pusey with some of the donated items.
The USDSA awarded the Shannon Police Department with Emergency Belt Trauma First Aid Kits, Traffic Safety Vests, and Tactical Flashlights.
The USDSA awarded the Lauderdale Sheriff's Department a Preliminary Breath Tester, Emergency Belt Trauma Kits, Traffic Safety Vests, and some Tactical Flashlights to assist them with their mission to serve the public. Pictured with the donated items are Deputy Jacob Mathis on the left and Deputy Joseph Mathis on the right.
The USDSA awarded the Boley Police Department with three ballistic vests for their officers.
The USDSA awarded the Barber County Sheriff's Department with two Preliminary Breath Testers (PBT) for their continuing campaign against drunk drivers and underage drinking.
The USDSA awarded the Tunica Police Department with Emergency Belt Trauma First Aid Kits for their officer's.
The USDSA awarded the Gore Police Department with a Preliminary Breath Tester (PBT), traffic safety vests, vehicle first aid kits, and tactical flashlights.
The USDSA awarded the Crab Orchard Police Department with a Preliminary Breath Tester (PBT) for the their efforts to combat drunk driving and under age drinking.
The USDSA awarded the Woodson County Sheriff's Department with Traffic safety vests, Emergency Belt Trauma Kits, and some Tactical Flashlights. Pictured is Sheriff Anthony Bauer with some of the donated equipment.